The Role of Traditional Games in Modern Sports

The Role of Traditional Games in Modern Sports

Traditional games (TSG) are activities that involve physical movement, promoting dexterity and social interaction among players. They also have pedagogical values, as they help to build character and morals, channel emotions, and preserve cultural heritage.

This article presents a เรียนรู้การทดลองเล่นบาคาร่า captivating story about traditional sports, presenting an array of valuable first-hand accounts from the author’s study trips to Denmark, the Basque Country and Scotland. These experiences have highlighted the importance of TSG and their practical usability.

The Role of Traditional Games in Modern Sports

TSG can be understood as “cultural attributes” to maintain, express and promote collective identities of local and regional communities, ethnic groups and nations, while at the same time contributing to recreation, tourism and community development. Despite this, they have not yet received the recognition and respect they deserve.

During the research process, the authors investigated 23 Indigenous and mainstream news articles about TSG and found that they were mostly framed as a way to keep culture alive or as a tool for youth empowerment, largely reflecting a Western Sport for Development (SFD) logic. The authors suggest that there is a need to appreciate the differences between traditional Indigenous games and SFD practices for the purposes of cultural and youth development.

TSG can be seen as a means of global health, as it provides an opportunity for diversity and dialog, the meeting between tradition and novelty, thereby empowering people to develop their own cultural identity in a context of intercultural dialogue. As a result, they may contribute to the reconciliation and coexistence of cultures in this world and help to create a peaceful, harmonious and sustainable world for all humankind.