When homeowners think of home, they envision warmth, safety and family. But they may not equate energy efficiency with their vision. Blown-in insulation helps homeowners realize their home vision by transforming their living spaces with state-of-the-art, energy saving spray foam insulation.
In addition to the intrinsic thermal conductivity of a TBC, the coating thickness and multi-scale pore structure also have an effect on the thermal insulation performance. Various pore morphologies and aspect ratios have been studied to achieve improved insulating capability of TBCs. However, these improvements have come at the expense of a reduced fracture toughness and low CTE.
TCS Insulation & Coatings: Improving Indoor Air Quality
A new solution to this problem is the development of a TBC with a columnar-like microstructure, which improves both the fracture toughness and CTE of the coating. A recent study by Mohammad Zaki Goudarzi et al. used plasma-sprayed LaMgAl11O19 (LMA)/YSZ DCL TBC to demonstrate a significant improvement in the insulating performance of a plasma-sprayed LMA/YSZ TC. In comparison with a conventional lamellar YSZ coating, the LMA/YSZ DCL TBCs demonstrated a significant increase in thermal cycling resistance due to the segmentation crack density and the columnar-like structure of the pore network.
Extreme high-temperature environments in the near-Earth orbit are a major challenge for spacecraft equipment items, especially for small instruments or spacecraft appendages with limited thermal inertia. The temperature stability and uniformity of these items can be extremely critical in maintaining their function, reliability and lifetime. Therefore, highly insulating and long-life TBCs need to be developed to meet these requirements.
TCS Insulation & Coatings
5558 Pine Beach Rd Unit 6 Brainerd, MN 56401
(218) 820-9340