Flower power is a counterculture movement that emerged in the 1960s. It centered on artistic, cultural, and political values. Flowers, the symbol of peace and nonviolence, became an important symbol of the movement.
The movement began in Berkeley, California, where Allen Ginsberg proposed mass displays of flowers. This was to counter the Hells Angels motorcycle gang, which threatened to disrupt anti-war rallies. In addition, Ginsberg suggested marchers bring musical instruments.
Ginsberg’s methods, which received positive attention, triggered a visual aesthetic shift in American art. Posters by pop artist Peter Max featured vivid fluid designs painted in Day-Glo colors. They helped establish flower power style art into mainstream culture.
The movement spread to other parts of the United States. By the end of the decade, it had become a dominant symbol of the counterculture.
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Flower power was rooted in opposition to the Vietnam War. It became a visual power struggle between white Americans and Vietnam.
As a result, the hippies who started the movement became known as hippies. Their message of nonviolence and peace was a source of inspiration for the movement’s supporters. Despite the success of the movement, it had unintended consequences.
A major consequence of the flower power movement was the rapid spread of HIV infection in the early 1980s. During this period, a sexual revolution developed. Another complication of the movement was the development of large-scale drug importation.
In the mid-1960s, a group of hippies planted flowers in an empty lot in Berkeley. This act was part of a two-week occupation of the US National Guard.