How to Approve Comments on Facebook

When you are managing a facebook account for your business or company, it is important to know how to approve comments on facebook. This allows you to monitor what people are posting to your page or profile before it is visible to the public or your followers. This will help you to avoid any spam or negative reviews that could hurt your reputation.

How do I control comments on Facebook?

If you have not yet enabled the approve comments on facebook toggle from settings, any posts or tags that are requested will appear in your activity log until you approve them. To view all pending posts, click the bell icon on facebook. This will show all new notifications in blue (or white depending on the color scheme you have selected for your facebook account).

In addition to the option to approve posts, there are also options to ignore or decline a post. This will prevent the post from showing up on your page or in your friends timelines if you choose to ignore it or decline it.

Both Facebook and Instagram allow you to moderate the content that is posted to your accounts. You can use the profanity filters and other moderation features to control what is shown on your pages. If you don’t want to have this feature active, you can hide* certain spam comments and you can set up the moderating tool so that you will get an email notification as soon as someone comments on your facebook page.

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